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About: Jabberwocky\'ing (Better Off Ted)
The Dotnot lowdown! with dotnot by DuncanBoxie
Dotnot has shot to Springleap.com stardom by winning our highly anticipated YeLOLow theme competition.
Lets find out more about the designer behind this hilarious design.
1. So tell me about where you grew up, have you lived there all your
life or have you bounced around a lot?
I was born in Durbs (Durban-SA) and stayed there for 7 years. My parents
then moved up to Johies, (JHB-SA) and for the first time in my life I
understood what fast-paced meant. It felt like the people up here believed that
they either had less time to live, or less hours in a day. I was Grade 2 and these
kids knew things… things that us Durban kids never even dreamt about. They
played different sports, they had different subjects and they went to school
barefoot, even though it was winter and -2°C. It was a challenge… I LOVED IT!
2. When you were a child what did you want to grow up to be and what
would you say is your dream job now?
I wanted to be a veterinarian – like all the other girls… But then I heard about
the lethal injection, and even though I would not blink twice sniping someone like
Jeffrey Dahmer (Headshot!), when it comes to animals, I’m out. I’m currently a Graphic
Designer but it would be totally awesome to be a legendary wildlife photographer.
3. Have you got a big family, how many?
We’re an average bunch. I’m married. We both have brothers, and we both still have
both our parents. I have a beautiful 10 month old baby girl. This is a t-shirt design limiting
4. What is without doubt the best experience of your life?
My 20’s… ALL OF IT. I’ve Gone to Dubai for 6 days. I’ve ridden a camel. I did Dune
BASHING! AWESOME. I’ve gone to the Kruger National Park on various occasions with some
of my best friends. I’ve been to 5 Oppikoppi’s. I’ve been to the Kalahari. I’ve been to
Cape Town ~ YES I’ve seen the mountain! ;) :P :D I’ve been to numerous
parties/clubs/pubs/restaurants. I’ve gotten married. I’ve had a baby. I’ve been to the beach
several times. I’ve been to Dullstroom on a Honda Cbr 1100. I’ve slept under the stars.
I’ve won a t-shirt competition. TBC...
5. If you could have any super power what would it be?
I AM the most curious person alive! I would go for something like invisibility and
super stealth. All though Wonder Woman and her “Lasso of Truth” is quite hot. Ooooo Oooo
Seeing as this tee does have a serious Star Wars theme – how about mind control!?
6. If you could hang out with any star for a day who would it be?
Christian Bale - Drool Slobber Gasp Obvious reasons.
7. What is your power animal and why?
I would say Eagle. The freedom, the foresight and the power.
8. Do you have any special powers that you keep from the world?
I’m not telling. ;)
9. What is your favourite South African band?
Have a HUGE Civil Twilight fetish at the moment. They rock…
10. Sith or Jedi?
I did the infamous quiz and got this result:
“Which Star Wars Jedi/Sith are you? Emperor Palpatine
Well, well, well, fancy yourself a bit of a rat-bastard do we? You are the most charismatic
of the Sith, well, at least until you got your face burned. You are manipulative and cunning,
and your arrogance can be kept in check. Unfortunately, no one else but you can handle the
amount of evil stored in that dark heart of yours, so eventually your apprentice can’t
handle it and kicks your ass. Oops. Want some irony? You killed your master, and your
apprentice killed you.”
*Oh MY GOODNESS! If it was up to me I would pick Jedi.
*(Drunk Mariah Carey Style)

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DuncanBoxie ;):P
shoutBack 2 days, 19 hours ago by dotnot
LOL...I got General Grievous :P
shoutBack 5 days, 4 hours ago by DuncanBoxie
Dude I would have totally lit up Dahmer in a second…he wasnt human. LOL Emperor Palpatine is it muhahaha.
shoutBack 1 week, 1 day ago by DuncanBoxie