Clement de Bruin Interview

  If you’ve been keeping an eye on the Cape Town creative scene, you’ll know that the last few years have yielded a fresh crop of world-class illustrators whose work is featuring in all the right places. Maybe it’s something in the water - that, or the fact that the numerous creative colleges and collectives have created a fertile spawning ground where illustrators and designers are cross-pollinating, while encouraging each other to up their game. One way or another, the output is impressive - and amongst the highlights of this creative output is one Clement de Bruin, whose work straddles a range of styles but reflects the best of contemporary illustration: it’s clean, it’s classic, and shows influence from the best of many genres. Largely vector-based, his work is, in a word, fantastic. We had the pleasure of shooting a few pesky questions across his bow recently; here are his responses: Who are you? My name is Clement de Bruin but my friends call me ‘Clemi’.   Where do you live? Cape Town, South Africa.

  Did you plan to become an artist, and did you study to become an illustrator? I studied graphic design at CPUT. I hated it! I did not want to create logos for uptight corporate clients. I found it extremely boring and unfulfilling. Then one day the illustration studio Am I Collective gave a talk at my University. After listening to them explaining there work and what they did I became completely obsessed with illustration and pursuing it as a career.

    Favorite graphic novel? Not really into graphic novels, I just like looking at the artwork in them.   Favorite movie? Perfume

  Describe yourself - likes/ dislikes. I am very easy going person and try to not take myself or any circumstance I am in to seriously. I hate inconsiderate people, everything you do effect someone else in one way or another.

  What inspires you? My city and the people in it, pop culture, vintage cartoons, band posters and music. The list goes on and on and is always changing.   How would you describe your design style? I hate describing my own work. So here is what had to say about my style on a recent feature on my work “His edgy, colourful work is seen executed in a host of styles and mediums depending on the task at hand. Though he enjoys experimenting with subject matter, his playful work is consistently fun to look at.”  

Name some of your favourite designers and illustrators.

Jordan Metcalf, Simon Berndt, Kronk, Drew Millward, Studio Muti, Charles Burns, Adam Hill and many more.   (all images courtesy Clement de Bruin)

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