What have we got? Inspiration! How much have we got? Loads! That’s right - this post is probably the best thing you did today. Why? Because it’s jam-packed with truly great inspiration, in the form of a roundup of some of our all-time favourite tumblrs. These are the kind of places on the net that are sometimes hard to find, but once you do, they become bookmarks that you never lose, on account of being so damn impressive. Think of these tumblrs as little design friends that gather the good stuff that’s out there because you simply can’t do all the work yourself. One way or another, the amazing graphic content adds up to some truly great inspiration. Onward to the amazing! Now, there are a lot of aggregator tumblrs out there - and nobody will ever be able to keep tabs on them all the time, because they pop up like wildflowers after rain, all over the show. Some disappear, some stay the distance - that’s the way web cookie crumbles. You just have to roll with it - and thank your lucky stars that thanks to the Tumblrfication of the net, the job of finding great inspiration without all the slog is getting easier. One of our current favourites has got to be the fantastic Killerinspiration. If you’re an illustrator, designer, street artist, typographer or are someone who’s simply in love with high-quality graphic work, this one’s for you. Created by the brothers Eggebrecht of Phidias Gold, this tumblr is packed with alternate imagery for those who like their inspiration with a bit of grit. Skulls? Big time. Great vintage style typography? Hell yes. Swaggering attitude? You got that right. Of course, if you don’t particularly love skulls and vintage type - which, to be fair, you may want to see a doctor about - then there’s always places like Designspiration. That’s no diss - anything but. Here, the offering may be a little cleaner, and whole lot more in favour of images that are striking not for their street art swagger, but for the sheer aesthetic beauty of the images presented it packs a mighty graphic punch. Often, this means photographic content, or composite and collage pieces that reflect a liking for International Typographic Style. Sure, you may occasionally see a piece of work that’s quite dark or edgy, but on the whole the inspiration found here is calm, beautiful and very easy on the eye. Dig in, but be warned - you could grow old scrolling that page… Who would have thought that, in just a few years, the whole world would be greedily devouring Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr content at a rate of billions of images a day? Hey, it’s a funny old world - online and off. Helping design lovers find their daily manna in as many doses as they can take, Designagram goes the distance by listing - in their own words “A blog that re-posts everything from Instagram tagged #Design, #GraphicDesign, #Advertising, and #typography in hopes of giving a more diverse and worldly view to what people perceive as Design.” There’s no predicting what shows up here - of course - but as far as variety goes, this is right at the coal face. Features: wildly random imagery, a smattering of promotional tat and some unexpected gems.
And then, of course, for those who like their bikes lean and their women tattooed, there’s always the delightful Dosnoventa, run by a bunch of bike-crazy nutters in New York, and entirely dedicated to the glorification of the inner city bike lifestyle - well, that, and the brand of Italian hand-made bikes they ride. As tumblrs go, this one has a particular stripe of macho, but for all that, it too is packed with truly great design and inspirational images. The best way to describe it would be ‘the unholy spawn of a threesome between Easy Rider, Barbarella and Steve McQueen”. Features: bikes, typography, architecture, mind-blowing gifs (occasionally) and much, much more. OK - that’s it! Clear off, get digging into those suggestions and…nah, that’s all, they’ll keep you busy until…oh, pretty much until they invent the next internet. Enjoy!