new design submit pages almost ready

it’s been a REALLY exciting day!

The new section was finished today, and we’ve been testing it out, and if everything goes according to plan, we’ll launch it early next week.

At the moment when you submit designs to the competition it’s all on one page.

With the new design section, it will be split over a few pages to make it easier to submit - no more uploading 3 big files on ONE page!

And best of all, when you’re finished uploading your designs, you’ll be able to view them, and edit them.

We’ve also made a few other small changes to design around springleap such as putting images at the top of the blogs, so make each section stand out more.

I wasn’t going to mention all the small changes we’re doing, but I was chatting to someone earlier today and they were surprised to hear we had launched the blog section last week - I realised we are SOOOO involved in everything taking place, that it’s a huge deal everytime something changes.

But not everyone is realising all the stuff we’re fixing, changing, adding etc And etc again!

By the way, if you want to help us test the new features before they go live, then contact us and let us know why you’ll make a Great beta tester…

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