small changes make big differences

Thanks to those of you that let us know about the small log in issue today, which got fixed VERY QUICKLY coz you helped us - THANK YOU - it’s thanks to you that we’re moving springleap forward so quickly…

round of applause for YOU

we added an RSS feed today, so if you want to read all the blog postings in your RSS reader here’s the link:

on another note, we were stoked that another vendor wants to sell springleap tshirts - if you want to start a tshirt business, or have a shp & want to sell springleap tshirts in it - check out the Own a Clothes Shop? Buy @ Wholesale? section.

And how KEWL are the stars next to each blog posting, rather than a text name? The other small change we made to the blogs today was seperating them by having a green background for every alternative posting - I think it makes it SOOOO much easier to read.

Keep the emails and feedback coming - we’re discussing EVERY suggestion we get…

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