TechCrunch covers Springleap funding round and pivot to market research

  TechCrunch’s Anthony Ha and Eran Eyal, CEO of Springleap, catch up to discuss Springleap’s new funding round to move over to disrupting market research. Market research is a $400Bn market each year across the globe, driven by consumer panels and insights. Springleap provides the next step in market research panels: Advertising agency experts. Ranging from strategists, marketeers to creatives - the community has grown to 180,000 vetted professionals. TechCrunch covers Springleap thoughts about bringing a SaaS model to bear that will connect the right localized creative insights with the matching agency or brand brief. Springleap shares with TechCrunch how this proprietary expert panel brings a model for market research that is 20 times faster, 10 times cheaper and provides better data. Insights, research and trend-spotting all become affordable and data is married with experience of running hundreds of localized campaigns. To learn more, TechCrunch covers Springleap here.  

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