It’s just common knowledge, if you want your blog posting to stick it has to come in second.
Its just the way karma and the flow of ever present ambient energy interacts with humans in general.
Just like how the first pancake is always a flop and the second perfect, its just a way that the powers that be let us know that there is always room for improvement.
First the worst second the best (third the one with the hairy chest)…its been drummed into our minds since we were but mini chicken nuggets.
Do you think coming in second can sometimes be better than being first??
bravely spoken, ‘O second placer
Well I do try and stir up the stew of life, ‘O first placer
hope the Argus cycle tour is more competitive! grin
haha yeah I hope its more than a two horse race
they race horses in the Argus? Wow- times have really changed E!!!
I remember when they used to race on bicycles and wear Scottish kilts - used to be called The Angus back then and all the patterns were Argyle and such.
classic!!! they changed from bikes to horses about 7 years ago.