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PANTONE color of the year 2011 HONEYSUCKLE shoutOut on 26/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps | on 18/8/11 by carrie | 2
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Every color is equal! Well, perhaps not, if Pantone has anything to say about it. Every year Pantone, who are the industry leaders in universal color standards for the design industry, reveal their color of the year . Last year it was the soothing Turquoise PANTONE 15-5519 with its feeling of “deep compassion and healing” , which saw it take the title. Leatrice Eiseman , executive director of the Pantone Institute , had this to say about Honeysuckle, “In times of stress, we need something to lift our spirits. Honeysuckle is a captivating, stimulating color that gets the adrenaline going - perfect to ward off the blues.” Pantone certainly holds this color in high esteem, but where does Honeysuckle get its allure? Well, Leatrice believes that, “Honeysuckle derives its positive qualities from a powerful bond to its mother color red, the most physical, viscerally alive hue in the spectrum.” Personally I feel the choice is not one that will satisfy all areas of the fashion industry, but works nicely in the design industry as a whole. Leatrice Eiseman makes a very good argument on the choice of Honeysuckle though. As you can read there is more to the color than simply being bright, yet soft enough to be used for a variety of media, it also stimulates the brain in a positive, almost nostalgic way. While I may have not been completely sold by this design in the beginning, I must say that I am eager to try and use Honeysuckle PANTONE 18-2120 in my designs. What do you think of this new color guys and girls? D.
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creative marketing shoutOut on 13/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps | on 18/8/11 by CathRon | 1
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Springleap.com loves creative marketing! Take a look at this absolute gem that I spotted on Between 10 and 5 , classic! Basically we have online store, Kalahari.net , who have taken advantage of the upcoming South African presidential elections to create some truly creative marketing. What they have done is recreate the current street posters so that they look similar to three major political parties, ANC, DA and IFP. This really made me laugh. I mean we are so programmed to look at these posters at the moment that we almost feel compelled to look. Now I suppose I say that, but in the case of many, many, South Africans who ‘elect’ to ignore any and all political commentary , would this marketing tactic have any true effect? What do you guys and girls think, would you even notice these posters if you were driving along? Perhaps the posters are designed in such a way that they have the same colors , but have their own unique layout that makes the ‘eye’ differentiate . Though I suppose one of the key elements of truly creative marketing is being able to get your message across to a potential customer with as little effort as possible. Now I’m not endorsing subliminal marketing…heck, it’s illegal in certain forms, however being able to grab a person and make them take notice by playing off an external factor that has nothing to do with your company is pure ‘creative marketing class’ . What do you think of Kalahari.net’s tactic here? Jump across to the original posting on 10and5 for more info. D.
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Stepdog voting shoutOut on 16/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps |
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The STEPDOG ‘Powered by Music’ competition is well under way and we have already had loads of votes flying through for all your favourites. Choosing a winner is def going to be one heck of a difficult task for Stepdog. Obviously Stepdog knows exactly what they want out of a design, so their opinions may be slightly different to our design community. However I think it will be super interesting to see exactly what floats their proverbial boat :D Now I would like to mention a few designers here, please forgive me if I left you out, these are just a few of the designs that I PERSONALLY feel fit the Stepdog vibe. Let’s kick it off with Amy after Dark , by French design guru and mastermind behind our very popular Midnight Summer Dream design, Kharamzero . Next we have Simon with his New Era design which is inspired by those gig listing posters that we all know so well. Simon has submitted a few really nice pieces, but this is my favourite . Great use of colour and a perfectly distressed style! The winner of our Entrepreneur competition, Nen101 , is back with her best design yet. Vcalahan has been blowing us away for the past few months with his super detailed designs and impressive concepts. He even won not so long ago with his Monty Python inspired design called Killer Rabbit . His latest offering, After Dark , captures your imagination with fantastic colour and an impressive illustration of a lady’s visage. This one is going to be a hard design to top and in my mind I think Stepdog will certainly resonate with it…but we will just have to wait and see :D Next up we have a winning designer that we have all come to admire at the Springleap HQ. Qimstudio has a knack for animal designs and has produced many of the best we have ever had of this genre. My last potential winner is undoubtedly Matsanni’s Teaser design. Ok, ok so as I mentioned earlier these are my personal top favs. These are not a reflection of the current leader-board , not even close . What I want to know from you is what your favourites are for the Stepdog competition. Let’s get a consensus going here! Peace. Duncs. |
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Illustrator Variable Width Stroke Tool shoutOut on 17/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps |
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Hi there all. Those of you who are Adobe Illustrator fans, would probably already know the wonders of CS5 and the amazing features it puts at your fingertips. While there is always a jump in the power and the number of features available from version to version, there is no doubt that the jump from CS4 to CS5 has been a BIG one! One very handy new tool that will make any illustrators life a dream is the killer-cool Variable Width Stroke Tool. As the name suggests you have the ability to vary the width of your stroke at will. Ok so here is the basic step-by-step: 1. Create a few lines with your Pen Tool. Maybe one straight one and a few curved.
3. Hover over any of your selected lines. You will see that the line will have a blue dot on it. This lets you know which line you are in fact going to affect, as well as where you will be adding or subtracting to your line. 4. Now click on the width point hold it down and drag your mouse. You will see that it will start to get wider at that specific point. You can then release and move your mouse to another point on the line and repeat the process. You will obviously see the effect that can be created. 5. You will notice that when you drag to edit the width that it is equal on both sides . However, if you would like to only affect the one side hold down your ALT key and it will then allow you to select either side of the line. 6. If you would like to move a width point simply click on it and drag. If you want to delete a width point click on it and hit the delete key. This tool is super handy and will no doubts take your illustration powers to new heights. I have embedded this video below which will give you a visual demo of the Variable Width Tool. This may be easier for some folks to relate to. Enjoy! D. |
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RVCA ANP interview with Amy shoutOut on 19/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps |
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Greetings all , Just a few nights ago the Labia in Cape Town came alive with the launch event for the RVCA Artist Network Program (ANP), bringing together multi-talented creatives from throughout the industry to celebrate design and the potential for empowering designers through RVCA’s massive influence. Our marketing manager Amy Abrahams was able to attend and had a great time schmoozing with some really amazing people who truly are passionate about taking South African design to all new levels of awesomeness. All those that attended were treated to a thought provoking documentary called Beautiful Losers and a feature on a local Capetonian artist. I thought I’d ask her a few questions about the event and the documentary: 1. Tell us a bit more about the South African RVCA Artist Network Program (ANP)? What kind of presence did they have at the show? Well on Tuesday (May 17, 2021) was the first ANP I attended and I have to say it definitely will not be the last. RVCA ANP hosted the premier of the highly acclaimed Beautiful Losers documentary and I found myself totally inspired thereafter. The presence was buzzing with creativity and passion, you could feel the spirit in the air almost like a burning creative fever readily awaiting the premier! There was a free bar on selected drinks like Sailor Jerry and Boss which is always #winning! RVCA also took this opportunity to fully brand the event in an unobtrusive way. They gave out free stickers, magazines, lanyards even RVCA on the popcorn packets. 2. Why do you think RVCA has targeted emerging and progressive artists for their ‘creative synergy’? I think it boils down to providing the platform and support so many creatives need out there. It’s not about monetary gain or who is ‘trending’ it comes right back down to the INDIVIDUAL. From a branding stand point this is a great way to connect with their target market on a more personal level , more human. It’s great to see brands out there like RVCA making a difference. 3. Do you feel that the featured documentary Beautiful Losers could be related to the South African creative industry, would you say SA is on the same wave-length as the featured artists from the movie? I would definitely say that Beautiful Losers can be related to the SA creative industry, with that said I think the great thing about it is that its universal. It isn’t something that can be boxed and labelled to be only in certain places. I love the creative movement that is happening in Cape Town and to be honest it was just a matter of time until it came to the foreground. I thoroughly enjoyed the documentary especially because it showcased all the artists archived footage, it almost transcended me to their time, I felt connected and involved. 4. What kind of individuals attended the launch event? Would you say that it was mainly creatives, or where there a few surprises when it came to demographics? Well the thing about events like this and was also highlighted in the documentary you really cant label someone as just one thing. Just because someone may be a photographer doesn’t mean thats what they only do. I would say it was an eclectic hub of souls gathering to celebrate the beautification of nature through creative organisms. 5. So, did you see any interesting characters worth mentioning at the event? Not that I can comment on BUT there was a guy that looks remarkably like Jared Leto hahaha. Well there we have it. Sounds like this was one awesome event! I would love to get the opinion of anybody else who was lucky enough to make the event. Do you feel RVCA and emerging artists have the right chemistry to create a lasting creative synergy? Oh and for your viewing pleasure I have embedded the trailer for Beautiful Loser ….you are gonna be so keen to see it after you scope it out! Love and peace. D. ………………… |
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royal t-shirt shoutOut on 29/4/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps |
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Oooooh pish posh, cucumber sandwiches and Royal pomp! Everybody seems glued to their TV screens watching the Royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Love them or hate them, there is no doubt that this is the wedding of the year. It got me thinking, which Springleap t-shirt do you think best suits the happy couple? For Kate Middleton I originally thought that I would go for something like Afrolution , because she has African roots. I even thought Freedom walker would be the perfect royal t-shirt for Kate. In the end I decided that it had to be Lunar Deity Delivery Boy . Now Prince William on the other hand had to be a very specific design! What do you think gang , what Springleap designs do you feel will make the perfect royal t-shirt for these peeps? The Springleap.com crew and myself all wish Kate and William a very happy future together and hope that they can prosper together and bring great change for Britain in the future. |
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OPEN THEME MAY 2 shoutOut on 5/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps | on 18/8/11 by Maike | 2
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Hi there guys and girls . Its time for another thrilling Springleap OPEN THEME competition! This is your chance to show us your creativity on your own terms. Don’t be shy – just put it out there! Let the world be your inspiration. We wanna see what lives within your artistic mind. You can submit up to 5 designs so go wild! The more designs you submit the greater chances you have of winning! So, get designing peeps. The time is now to show us what you got! … 4 printed t-shirts, a cash prize – US$500 (R4000) Dates to diarise: Submissions for designs open: 05 May 2021 Submissions for designs close: 31 May 2021 Voting starts: 02 June 2021 Voting ends: 16 June 2021 Winner is announced: 20 June 2021 You could be the next winner on Springleap.com and gain exposure for yourself! You also stand a chance of winning amazing prizes and loads of cash . Winners will now be chosen using votes as an indicator. The top 10 voted designs will get the golden stamp of approval and go in for review . The final verdict will come down to our esteemed design panel here at Springleap . For those that don’t win, you still stand a chance to have your designs printed! We’ll be keeping all top 10 designs in our re-seller catalogue and who knows we could be printing and selling your designs nationwide! Everyone WINS!! In order to get started on your designs download the Springleap t-shirt Submission Kit and get started right away! Post your questions about the OPEN theme competition below or click our online support button to the left of our header. Good Luck and Happy Designing! The Springleap.com Team
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2oceansvibe Radio - Brand Ambassadors shoutOut on 12/5/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps | on 18/8/11 by CathRon | 3
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Why is it that more and more people I speak to these days never listen to the radio? Why? Well, because for the most part it’s saturated with annoying adverts and commentary on subjects that have been run through a political filter. Not to mention in many cases they are told what music they can play! When will we get a radio station that caters for people like you and I who want to be spoken to on the same level and with an honesty that rings true? Well, the good news is that there is actually such a radio station. Many of you will be familiar with the now famous blogger/socialite/guru Seth Rotherham and his website 2ocenasvibe . We are happy to announce that the awesome 2oceansvibe DJ’s have become our latest Springleap.com brand ambassadors . We definitely feel that they are the right kind of people to be involved with Springleap, as we share many of the same ideals about life and work. I thought this line below from their website, summed up what they are about quite nicely: “We aim to give you an uncensored fresh new format filled with real music you enjoy brought to you by people that you can relate to – talking about things you really care about, in a way that seems more familiar to you than what you may be used to. It’s quite astounding that the notion and concept is such a revelation!” Lets meet some of the awesome 2oceansvibe Radio crew . Luca and Josie head up the lunch time spot, while Richard Hardiman is up at sparrows to bring you the breakfast time slot. Richard is one of those guys who is perfect for the breakfast spot because he has a voice that does not penetrate your brain in a way that turns it to mush, while also keeping a good level of entertainment and insight. It’s a fine line, no doubt. You have to be able to execute the right kind of info , in just the right style in order to not scare off listeners…especially so early in the morning LOL. Luca and Josie are a killer duo who head up the lunch time slot and who are always a pleasure to listen to. Josie has such a bright and happy disposition, she could tell you the world is about to get hit by a meteor the size of Texas and you would still take the news with a smile on your face . Luca is a man of many talents! Not only is he completely natural for radio, but he also manages mega popular South African rock group The Pretty Blue Guns , as well as up-and-coming band, Holiday Murray . You would have no doubt seen that Luca and Josie are sporting some of our more recent Springleap tees , which look great on them, if I do say so myself….and I do, hehe. NICE ONE GUYS!!!! Get listening to 2oceansvibe radio today, you are going to love these guys. We would love to do an interview with these super peeps as soon as possible. Duncs.
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Robot Artists of South Africa shoutOut on 18/4/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps | on 18/8/11 by DuncanBoxie | 3
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There are so many inspiring South African stories that really make you appreciate what you have in life. One such story I stumbled across on Between 10 and 5 , is the plight of the Zimbabwean African Cartel has put together a rather amazing short documentary about the world of these talented and super colourful characters. Chances are you would have seen these guys selling their vibrant artwork at the traffic lights around Cape Town. I usually spot them at the Rhodes and De Waal robots, down the road from Kirstenbosch Gardens . There is no doubt that these Zimbabwean robot artists have a very hard life. They work hard to create their art and then have to withstand the unpredictable Cape Town weather, just to be able to put a bit of food on the table. When you hear about the kind of conditions they faced in Zimbabwe, where they couldn’t even afford a pair of shoes, you really have to count your blessings. Please watch this clip! Robot Artists from African Cartel on Vimeo. The robot artists have a very negative rap and people often give them trouble or just ignore them at the traffic lights. They are not stealing, begging or making a nuisance of themselves. Just like you and I, they are trying to survive and make something of themselves. I take my hat off to African Cartel for putting together such an awesome mini-doc . Check out the 10 and 5 posting . D.
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M. Night School shoutOut on 19/4/11 by DuncanBoxie in peeps | on 18/8/11 by amyabrahams | 1
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Lights, camera, dead people! There are few filmmakers that get as much bad press as M. Night Shyamalan . While Shyamalan has legions of fans, he also has an equal army of people that simply can’t stand his work. There has been such an outcry about his movies that a new website has been launched, which aims to send Shyamalan back to film school . You will laugh when you see the website. It’s actually nicely put together and has some fun downloads . When all is said and done and the target is reached, M. Night Shyamalan will be presented with the cheque and we will have to see if he accepts it graciously, or erupts and hunts down the website owners and kills them with a machete. If he refuses the cheque, it will be used to sponsor somebody else a scholarship to New York University, which is also super cool. Honestly, in my opinion M. Night Shyamalan is a talented filmmaker, who has created loads of amazing movies. While some of his movies, such as The Village and The Happening , were given major bad press , both were rather unique stories which were memorable for me personally. About the only movie I absolutely hated from Shyamalan is his screen adaptation of The Last Airbender …which sucked muchly. Movies like Signs, Unbreakable and Sixth Sense , were all excellent and each had their own special magic that made them work. What do you think of M. Night Shymalan’s filmmaking abilities . Does he rock , or does he suck? If you want to make a donation to the scholarship, cruise across to the M. Night School website . D.

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