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Tee Classics - Vintage Rock 'n Roll shoutOut on 20/8/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Hey, hello, hi and Happy Monday to all T-shirt lovers out there! As you'd probably know by now, we at Springleap love classic design and we're pretty damn t-shirt crazy. So, in the interests of historical review, and to provide inspiration to the needy, we're going to take an occasional walk down Memory Lane and dredge up some of the greatest T shirt designs of all time. If we can find out who created the design, we'll get that info too. If we can't, and maybe you know, could let us know? It's a deal. Cool, let's kick this baby into gear. To start off this series, let's take a look at some of the most outstanding rock 'n roll tees of all time.
First up: the almighty Rolling Stones 'Hot Licks'. Designed by John Pasche in 1970 and used on the 'Sticky Fingers' album, it's arguably the most well-recognised rock 'n roll design of all time. It's loud, it's cheeky and it's still one of the iconic tees ever! Next up: a dyed-in-the-blood classic that features the artwork from Joy Division's 'Unknown Pleasures' album.
This icon of cool features the design created by the legendary Peter Saville and inspired by the successive pulses of Pulsar CP 1919, the first pulsar ever discovered. Designed in 1979, it's still going strong today - this is a tee that hipsters and rockers still covet, 33 years later! Rounding off today's trip back through time, no post about classic rock 'n roll tees would be complete without a mention of the famous Guns 'n Roses 'Appetite For Destruction' tee. It's a take on a gothic cross which combined a religious theme with that ever-popular visual theme - skulls - to create an instant classic. The cross and skull design was devised by Axl Rose as a tattoo featuring the 5 members of the band, drawn by artist Bill White Jr, and re-drawn by Andy Engell to create the end result we see here.
So - those are just three of the many classic tees we'll be featuring here on The Leap in our Greatest T-Shirts Of All Time series. We know there are many, many more - care to suggest your favourite all-time classic? Let us know! Send a mail to travis(at)springleap.com! |
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Let's Talk About Size, Baby... shoutOut on 13/8/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Good morning from a sunny but cold Cape Town, to you wherever you are out there on Planet Springleap! So we've just come out of the 10 Days of Madness Sale, and yes - it was utterly MAD! One of the things that's emerged from our sale - other than the fact that it's obvious we have HUGE numbers of fans out there, all of whom wanted to buy Springleap tees at crazy low prices - is that some of you have been wondering about our sizing chart. Moving on - and up, or down, as you prefer - let's talk about size, baby! During the course of our Madness sale, we had a few enquiries about our Size Chart - it seems that some browsers get all discombobulated and don't load it correctly. Maybe some people are still using Netscape Navigator? Wow, if you're out there and still using outdated browser tech from the online equivalent of the age of dinosaurs, welcome to the 21st Century! If you're not, we apologise, and would like to offer you this gorgeous SIZING CHART to ensure you never have to wonder again about just how fine you'll look in a Springleap tee.
Check it out, grab a tape and get funky but be sure that you are sure, when you buy one of our all-singing-all-dancing Springleap tees. Fit is all-important when it comes to buying a tee, and can have all sorts of psychological implications (just look at the guy in blue in the image at the top of this post!). Once again - thanks to all those who participated in the Madness! Keep your pies eeled (that's a Spoonerism for 'eyes peeled'. Don't know what a Spoonerism is? Click HERE you'll lol and quite possibly rotfl!) for exciting new developments here on The Leap! |
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HEADS UP: BIG NEWS UP AHEAD! shoutOut on 25/7/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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There are changes afoot at The Leap – big changes that will affect you if you’re a designer or illustrator who enters our contests. Good changes! But what are they? GET READY TO BUY OUR TEES AT ALL-TIME EPIC PRICES!
To clear out our shelves of all those great designs we’ve printed in the past, we’re going to be selling all of our sweet t-shirts soon at ridiculous reduced prices, a.k.a WE’RE GOING TO HAVE A MASSIVE CLEARANCE SALE! It’s the biggest sale we've ever had - you won't want to miss out on the deals that are coming! DEAL 2 - R60 for a T-shirt! (offer valid Aug 1 - 5 with correct coupon code) DEAL 3 - R100 for 2 T-shirts! (offer valid Aug 6 - 8 with correct coupon code) DEAL 4 - R45 for a T-shirt! (offer valid 'til midnight 10 August GMT+2) |
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DEAL 4 – TWICE AS MAD AT HALF THE PRICE! shoutOut on 8/8/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Away with the faeries! Dancing with starfishes! Riding unicorns! Whooo! Yes Springleap lovers, it’s mental, it’s mad and for one last wild dance around the crazy tree, the 10 Days of Madness sale is here to answer your T-shirt prayers! Halleluja! Can we get a hell yeah! This, our final offer in a series of pretty crazy offers, is nothing less than industrial-grade insanity of a rare type you’re unlikely to ever see again. We're ending the sale on a high note by giving you the best price we’ve ever offered. This last deal is available until Friday, and comes in at…drumroll, maestro, please… R45(that's $5.50!) That’s right, it’s absolutely nuts and it’s absolutely only available till Friday! Coupon code? Take it, take it now, take it quickly but just take it! madness4 Everything must go! Tell your friends, tell your mother, your brother and your sister too. And remember - true insanity is best when it's shared, so SHARE THE MADNESS! Ready to go nuts? YES! TAKE ME TO THE SHOP!
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The Future Has Arrived And It's Bright! shoutOut on 30/5/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Hello designers, design lovers and lovers of all things beautiful, and here is the news. With a whizz, a bang and flashing as it goes, the future has finally arrived, folks! Put down the lightsaber, hit the pause button on that Blade Runner Redux and stop dreaming about Second Life becoming a real contender to replace Real Life® - the future's so bright, you're gonna need shades! What in the name of blazing RGB is this all about? Nothing short of the inevitable result of the march of LED technology, that's what! Those bright little lights have been making their way into our homes, cars and appliances for a long time, but at last the gap has been leapt and thanks to the creativity of people like David Forbes, the Video Coat has arrived! Now take a moment to think about this idea folks - video fabric. Taking the technology of LEDs, making them flexible, integrating them into fabric and applying the necessary soft- and hardware wizardry to make it possible to play an image on fabric. The result? Video clothing!
As you can see by the video, things are still in their prototype stage, but rest assured - if the technological shennanigans going on each year at Burning Man (and related events such as AfrikaBurn) such as tactile plasma coats are anything to go by, the race is on to make clothing become the next medium for communicating moving images. Where will it take us? Who knows, but it's certainly gonna be bright and colourful! p.s: if you thought that was cool take a look at this fibre optic fabric! p.p.s: Update! It seems this idea is taking flight across the world - check out this programmable T-shirt! |
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10 DAYS OF MADNESS - DEAL 2 IS GOING BATNUTS! shoutOut on 1/8/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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BOOM! AND THE MADNESS CONTINUES - NOW EVEN FURTHER! Good news! Due to amazing levels of demand, we've extended Deal 2 till midnight Sunday, August 5! (GMT+2). Ready for even more madness? Here we go - How’d you like any Springleap tee for…R60? YES! R60! It’s nuts, it’s lunacy and it’s only available for…you guessed it – 48 hours! Get the voucher code below, get clicking and get the tee your heart desires! Go! Voucher code: madness2
More madness follows on Monday - wanna be the first to hear about the next mad Deal?
THE SMALL PRINT: Sale terms apply only to T-shirts! No returns, refunds or exchanges! All sale items are non-refundable and may only be exchanged based on availability! Items on sale only available with use of the correct Deal coupon code! Does not apply to Pre-buys. |
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Olympic Design Review shoutOut on 27/7/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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BOOM! The five big circles are hanging from Tower Bridge, there are apparently thousands of tourists wandering the streets of London with their wheelie suitcases because they can't figure out how to use the Tube and the price of hotel rooms has rocketed by 63% on average...and beer is at an all-time premium. Yep, it's the Olympics, alright! In the spirit of Olympian history - and for the full lowdown, go here - we're doing a bit of a review of the Olympic designs of the past century. Each and every Olympics - and we're talking both Winter and Summer games here - gets a fresh design identity, from a field of designers. Sometimes the results are awe-inspiring. Sometimes...well, let's just say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, shall we? OK, first up we go way back all the way to Paris Olympiad, in 1924. As you can see, the design sense is classic, and draws on the idea of the Games being an ancient pursuit:
Next up, we have the legendary Mexico '68 design, created by US designer, Lance Wyman. This is arguably the most-admired Olympic design of all time (at least, by many graphic designers and design lovers) and has ever since enjoyed sporadic revisits in the form of retro lines of athletic apparel by Adidas. You can't really argue with the clean, eyecatching design, which makes great use of a simple colour palette and paralell lines:
Following on from this iconic design, the next couple of designs would almost seem to follow in the same vein, taking a tip from the clean, minimalist style of Wyman's 68. In defence of Montreal and Moscow's logos, you have to agree that they're accomplished designs in their own right:
Next up we shoot forward in time to have a review of figure-based logos, which have both supporters and critics. Some absolutely love these for their movement and bright colours, while others tend to think that their design style is quite specifically dated to the 1990's and 2000's:
Say what you will about these figure-based logos, but it's important to dig a litle deeper before slating them and relgating them to the scrapheap of history. Each has a background rationale which informs the basis of the design, and some of them are quite interesting, like the Vancouver 2010 design, which draws on native North American tribal iconography. Equally, the Beijing 2008 design displays a strong reference to Chinese historical art:
Though critics of the Sydney 2000 logo are quick to point out that the winning design makes no reference to Australia. Lastly, we have this year's London 2012 logo, a design which has earned more than its fair share of slings and arrows from many quarters. Say what you like about the design, and the mascots, but the fact is that THE OLYMPICS ARE UPON US and, as with every Games's designs, it will now be added to the long list of designs that have graced the Olympics since their modern reincarnation has gripped the world every four years.
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Giampaolo Miraglia's Amazing Olympic Series shoutOut on 24/7/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Happy Tuesday to all you there in Leaperville! OK - today we have a serving of creativity that'll light up your day! Sometimes a style of illustration hits you so hard you have to sit back for a moment and inhale before you can shout out 'AWESOME!' One such creative is Giampaolo Miraglia, whose work has been featured by a range of design and illustration sites and blogs all over the Interweb. And it's no wonder - or a designer who frequently works in 3D, his illustrations are absolutely mind-blowing. Take his 'VOID' series with ants, for example. Or for that matter his series on the highest peaks on the planet. Or his typography...but wait! Oh, but wait - the Olympics open this Friday! So, without any further ado - ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for Giampaolo Miraglia's Olympic Series!
As you can see, Giampaolo's style of illustration has been influenced by his 3D work - the facets, tones and colour pallette come together to create a very futurist and unique style which communicates depth and texture really well. This gives each of his athletes a great sense of motion and tension, like these in his Swimming poster:
The combination of old and new styles of execution comes together to create a style that's unique and inspiring! He's a fantasist, a dreamer and lover of colour with an eye for detail that's exacting. As you'll see if you check out his website, he takes great pleasure in typography and has developed some amazing typographical illo's for a range of clients. Before we sign off for today, here's one last poster from the Olympic series - this time, Soccer. Awesome? Very.
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On Your Marks, Get Set...Design! shoutOut on 23/7/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Happy Monday to you, Springleap lover, wherever on Planet Earth you are! This is a big week for every nation on this spinning blue ball in space - it's the week in which every country scratches its head and wonders 'Are our guys up to the task? Have they trained enough? Will they bring home the medal bacon?' With only 4 days to go till the big opening ceremony, spirits are high and the host city London is buzzing! The Olympic Flame has made its way across the world, and the final preparations are underway for 16 days of record-breaking achievements and fierce competition! In the spirit of the Olympics, here at the The Leap we're bringing you some Olympic-themed suggestions on where to find the best design and illustration tutorials. Among these are some that are worthy of gold medallist designers, and others that are more aimed at intermediary and up-and-coming competitors. But whichever you choose to check out, remember - just as in the Olympics, practice makes perfect!
First up: Chris Spooner's fantastic tutorial bank over on his Spoon Graphics blog, which features 50 Illustrator tutorials every designer should see. Among them are some of the best introductions to basic vector drawing, through to advanced tricks of the trade. Love your vectors? Wanna make them world-class? Click on over to Spoon Graphics and vectorise your work into next week!
Next up: the awesome Vector Tuts, where pro's and amateurs get great tips on polishing their work. Among the tutorial available is this Olympic-themed gem: how to create a running track in vector, in mere minutes! There are other sporting-themed tutorials, such as how to create a medal, or a trophy, but the real prizes on Vector Tuts are the Critiques, where a designer submits their work and offers it up for critique. These awesome sessions are open to anyone, you just have to sign up, so take a look! We couldn't sign off on our blogpost for today without bringing you a video tutorial, and what better way to kick off than in Olympic style, with a step-by-step guide on how to create the Olympic rings? Clickety clack, don't hold back!
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Goodness Gracious, Great Manhole Covers! shoutOut on 20/7/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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Holy flaming bats outta hell, Robin, have we got beautiful things for you to gaze at today! You've gotta hand it to the Japanese – not only have they got arguably the most exacting society on earth, their heritage goes back thousands of years and each and every Japanese family has a crest to this day. Which is more than you can say for most of the rest of us. Our blog offering for you today here on The Leap is the Japanese take on an object that elsewhere in the world is not afforded much in the way of a second glance – manhole covers! Voila!
‘But what does it all mean?’ you cry out, desperate for illumination. Well, it’s all quite simple, really – being the artistically inclined nation that they are, the Japanese treat all elements of their urban design as art, as these images show.
But there’s a practical side to the images too – they communicate the various characteristics of their locations. So some identify the immediate area or buildings nearby. Others communicate the icon of the suburb, town or city they’re found in. And others portray popular characters from Japanese culture such as cartoon characters, samurai or folk heroes.
If you take the time to search for them online, you’ll quickly realise the variety and artwork on these manhole covers knows no bounds – some are incredibly intricate and are considered a form of fine art, while others are simple and carry Japanese kamon, or family crests, in bold and striking designs.
One thing’s for sure – once you’ve seen these, you’ll never look at manhole covers the same way again! |

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