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Guitar Man shoutOut on 15/5/09 by cmatos in talkT | 5 days, 23 hours ago by Tu |
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“Who draws the crowd? Inspired by the music “Guitar Man” |
Star striker shoutOut 6 days, 5 hours ago by Caric in talkT | 5 days, 23 hours ago by Tu |
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Bafana Bafana kick some ass |
Blinging shoutOut 2 weeks, 3 days ago by TheGrinch in talkT | 6 days, 16 hours ago by TheGrinch |
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Township Bling entry. Enjoy. :] |
Township Bling shoutOut 3 weeks ago by tridibghosh in talkT | 6 days, 16 hours ago by TheGrinch |
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Yes this creation tells all the back breaking pain I had…creating all those jewels :) for 8 hours … and then the rest of the designs… all made in vector… Also keeping in mind not to go out of the 7 colors range… oooff it was really tough … hope you all will like it… |
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New Themed T-shirt design competition - The Living Dead shoutOut 1 week ago by amyabrahams in wordUp |
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Grunt, groan and scream your way through Springleap.com’s latest theme competition. Create your most ghoulish design inspired by the phrase ‘The Living Dead’ Creep your way into the unknown and create your t-shirt design around zombies and vampires. There has been an increase in popularity of the living dead (zombies and vampires) mostly owed to latest movies such as the Twilight Saga, Daybreakers and Zombieland, not to mention the culture that followed the release George A. Romero’s 1968 film Night of the Living Dead. Zombies are caused by an unknown phenomenon that causes re-animation of the brain of dead corpses, they prowl rather slowly (or fast depending what zombie version you prefer and search for live flesh to feed on; they are basically the walking dead. Vampires are lustful creatures that prey on weak humans while sucking the very life of their victims. They are strong as much as they are sexual beings; beware of their strong allure as it may be the doom of you! Submit your scariest t-shirt design inspired by zombies and vampires NOW! Dates to diarise: Submissions for designs open: 14 October 2021 Submissions for designs close: 10 November 2021 Voting starts: 12 November 2021 Voting ends: 26 November 2021 Winner is announced: 26 November 2021 You could be the next winner on Springleap.com and gain exposure for yourself! You also stand a chance of winning amazing prizes and loads of cash. To see what’s up for grabs go to the prizes page and check out our royals winnings. Cha-CHING In order to get started on your designs download the Springleap t-shirt Submission Kit and get started right away! What are Springleap.com themed competitions about anyway? Find out here Confused or uncertain about anything? Post your questions about this specific competition below or click our online support button to the left of our header. Happy Designing |
Beautiful Woman shoutOut 3 weeks ago by Briget in talkT | 1 week ago by Briget |
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The silhouette of a Beautiful African Woman.. ..and how she maintains her Beauty from yesterday till today, regardless of her move from Traditional Jewelery to the Bling we see now.. |
Sophiatown Black Diamond shoutOut 2 weeks, 6 days ago by badgerblackmailer in talkT | 1 week, 1 day ago by MtswanaGraphics |
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With this theme I concentrated more on the cultural wealth and heratage of townships rather than money and possessions. For those of you who dont know, Sophiatown was a township during the apartheid goverment, at that stage it was a jazz hotspot for for the black community in SA. In 1955 the entire township was buldozed by the apartheid goverment and was renamed “Triomf” (Triumph). With the fall of the old regime in 1994, it was once again renamed Sophiatown :-) this creation is a tribute to the old Sophiatown of the 1950’s and the black diamonds that it pruduced during that era and the awsome jazz they made. |
Taxi! shoutOut 2 weeks, 6 days ago by Vood00Child in talkT | 1 week, 1 day ago by Vood00Child |
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I watched district 9 yesterday. great movie. south african charm, aliens and most importantly… big robots! I thought what would I want as the ultimate in “bling”... duh giant robot… in this case what the goverment should be giving taxi drivers ahead of 2010…. not boring new minivans, but minivan that… (cling) “transform” into GIANT ROBOTS!!! If megas XLR can do it we can. I say with a heavy heart this may be the last of my sketchy, paint-by-numbers style entries, cause ill be getting a tablet soon (heard it helps :P) but as normal give me crit I really want to know where to improve and make myself better :) PS. Hope this doesnt look too sketchy its meant to be that way, but I do have bio and IT exams tomorrow and probaly should study :)
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Broaden your mind to fly in the fashion world shoutOut 1 week, 1 day ago by AbigaleIsaac in peeps |
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This is a pair of high-quality black small Sheepskin uggs. Noble, soft and exquisite, handsome, with some nice looking, very delicate agronomists. Over the knee, crested as jade in the lower leg and thigh wrap clasped, showing a pair with tangible arc - i entitles a woman’s feelings, know the man next to the mind, no, the entire mind has always been on her boots. His eyes cast to a time and again, never seen his hands the wine glass. His gaze away from his goblet, drink a bite, Chin once voice. 2 C 9Irztb she feels enjoying him. She took in the hands of white gloves, supercilious in her boots on the surface, set forth on the ground, wipe down go down and struck several dance fingers gently stroked the Earth, by turns those swash, and press, one touch to it as high as 13 cm of base, and then slowly recover to, after rubs his ankles, legs stretching and pitched in the previous desktop, two white arms folded It independent of any particular operating system and may be thought of as a tiny, function-specific. The purpose of the is to recognize file systems and load ugg boots images, and it provides both menu-driven and command-line interfaces to perform these functions |
Gangsters of Soweto shoutOut 2 weeks ago by Kuzavio in talkT | 1 week, 2 days ago by kingslip |
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