21st Century Beetle
Design Challenge
Doubled Volkswagens fans in
December and January… when
growth is normally 2%-3%, and
engaged fans across the web.
Volkswagon + Springleap
The Volkswagen Beetle is a one of the most iconic
brands in the world, beloved by fans globally.
Springleap worked with Ogilvy to launch the new
Beetle with a design competition that inspired
creatives to interpret the brand and engage fans
with awesome, illustrated fan content.
View designs

We’re really impressed with the growth and
engagement during the campaign. We continue to
engage the fans after the campaign and the designs
were great!
- Ryan Laubscher - Ogilvy, Group Account Director
No. of Entries
In the space of 8 weeks, 125 designs were sourced from
across the globe.
Springleap co-marketed the contest with Volkswagen
and Ogilvy across social media, PR, blogs and
supplementing with giveaways on local radio stations.
Fan Engagement
During the campaign, Volkswagen Beetle fans were
engaged across a variety of social platforms. In
particular, their Facebook fans doubled in December
and January - classically their worst growth months.
Springleap received the brief and brand materials and launched
the campaign, embedded in Volkswagen’s Facebook page,
Springleap’s web site and Facebook page within 24 hours.

Springleap seeded the contest to the Volkswagen fan community,
bloggers, car magazines, 23,000 designers at Springleap and in social

The client requested a particular focus on 70% African designers,
with other designers entering from USA, Malaysia, Japan, France and
South America. In 8 weeks, Springleap approved 125 designs for voting based on the
client brief, terms and conditions.

Springleap’s community managers worked with Ogilvy and
Volkswagen to understand brand guidelines and restrictions to
ensure that designs approved were on-brand and to the brief.

Designers Seed
Designers were incentivised with prizes from Volkswagen to share
their designs with their social media communities and friends and
garner votes and shares for their work.

Prizes were awarded to fans that voted for their favorite designs and
shared them into social media. The Springleap team tracked
mentions and votes, sharing them in the client report at the end of
the campaign as well as bolstering the efforts of sharers. 11542 votes
were cast in total.

Volkswagen selected 3 winning designs along with the Springleap
design panel and bought 5 more designs from the submissions for
promotional and internal use. Merchandise packs with apparel were
printed for the client and included in fan packs with new cars.