Design competitions that run across
multiple sites and pages
One single connected experience, engaging your fans across the wild, wild web
Running your own design competition sucks. Really.
You need to build or use premade software and suddenly find out that you’re not an expert at running
the campaign and don’t have the right community to generate great content that fans what to engage
with and share.You can run the competition on a site where the creatives are… but it makes no sense to send your
hard-earned marketing dollars and community to someone else.
Introducing the Solution: CoCreatePowered by Springleap
Our proprietary technology allows you to run the same design challenge,
with your branding, on multiple sites simultaneously.
Now THAT’s a buzz!
Imagine your design challenge
running on your Facebook page,
website and a variety of media and
blogger partners as one connected
conversation. No development
Total cross-communication between
each site or page hosting the
competition… connecting communities
across the web
What about the creatives?
The competition runs at Springleap
simultaneously, where all the
amazing creatives are at. Any
creative work submitted at
Springleap or the hosting pages are
available for voting, commenting
and sharing.
It’s managed. Time to relax.
At the heart of it all, the Springleap team manages all entries submitted from site or page our app is
running on. We filter out the bad, help the designers whose design need work and approve the
designs that fit the brief, minimum quality levels and terms and conditions.
Proven and Tested. CoCreate is
the same solution that:

10,000 to over 800,000 active users per month

Isn’t it time you were CoCreating and Springleaping with your fans?
Our clients

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