Mr. Monster is the nicest monster you ever met! But he’s got a dog chowing his leg! But he’s quite nice okes!

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Thanks okes. I think it’ll look kiff on a black shirt. I just think this black vector shirt looks a bit washed out. Maybe I should have put a white border around the pic. Oh well. I met Sergio Argones once in San Diego when I went to the ComiCon 2006. Legend oke.
shoutBack 1 day, 15 hours ago by mikdog
Yep need a white background to be fully appreciated…could have also been a tad bigger.
shoutBack 4 days, 19 hours ago by DuncanBoxie
ya bru it gets lost a bit on the black. and its such a wild illustration, reminds me of sergio aragones of mad magazine.
shoutBack 1 week, 1 day ago by khutaza
Think this works better on white.
shoutBack 1 week, 2 days ago by souf
lol, that oke top left seems to be happy to be eaten by nice mr. monster. funny.
shoutBack 2 weeks, 2 days ago by Goggl3boy

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