Not wanting to cause too much of a fuss, Revolting Panda spreads his message with party balloons…

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Personally I LOVE this design It is intelligent and has a distinct design flavour that really works with the theme. Well done Firebrand - I think you should be proud of this one.
shoutBack on 23/8/08 by EranEyal
haha - he just needs an eye patch and he’ll feel like a panda soldier the real question is “why is the panda revolt-ing?”
shoutBack on 12/8/08 by Eric
thanks for your comments all. angelovmyn I’m not sure how clever it is but thanks anyways :)
shoutBack on 11/8/08 by firebrand
Hey this is a very clever design… its also growing on me more and more…Very cewl….
shoutBack on 8/8/08 by angelovmyn
Why does this have an icon that says ‘design removed’ ?
shoutBack on 8/8/08 by SilverSabre
Here is to the PPPPPAAAARRRTTTY Panda! he hee
shoutBack on 8/8/08 by Jade
Thats a coincidence Kirst!
shoutBack on 5/8/08 by Jade
ha ha, i submitted a design for next month that has a panda holding a balloon. I think this one is quite cool though
shoutBack on 1/8/08 by Kirst