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I really dig the design. Would wear this tee mos def. Have to agree that it does not fit the comp though. Gamers want hardcore fraggin designs with teeth and attitude, excpet the ones that play The Sims, they would want the Bhudda Dragon above.
shoutBack on 17/12/08 by Goggl3boy
tanks bo$$
shoutBack on 17/12/08 by mikdog
actually the more I look at this the more I like, maybe not for AMD, but I think this would be a seller! Maybe take some of the crits, and resub and your good to go!
shoutBack on 17/12/08 by IntegralApparel
Hmmmm too simple for my taste. Although it’s an interesting idea.
shoutBack on 17/12/08 by Tu
Hi there, lets focus on the designs shall we.
shoutBack on 14/12/08 by DuncanBoxie
Okes. This is some quality stuff. Suvking? I don’t know what theese words is. Whats is theese wordz? I downnow whatz theese wurdz ees. You askz mee whatz theese wordz is? I dunnow.
shoutBack on 11/12/08 by mikdog
You and mikdog are obviously suvking each other….
shoutBack on 11/12/08 by KingC
I could say alot worse words but i rather just reframe from been to rude
shoutBack on 11/12/08 by KingC
This one she’s cool, but I wouldn’t make the AMD connection. Also KingC’s favourite word is… suck!
shoutBack on 11/12/08 by Gambyte
Let us all strive to be like this dragon pictured here. See how calm he is? That’s what we’re going for.
shoutBack on 11/12/08 by mikdog