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Words by the designer:
A new tipe of character I have been messing around with. Thought it might look good on a t shirt.
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shoutBack on 14/12/09 by SceneKid
I just checked out the new winning design! Woah, I totally love this design! It reminds me of The Truman Show! Great concept that…
shoutBack on 16/3/09 by Dinxster
@ sasquatchsports. Well, glad there were less people who shared you opinion. @blue. Yea, I suppose it could work without the question mark as well. I just felt it needed it. :)
shoutBack on 8/10/08 by snargo
hmmm…i really thought there were stronger entries than this last month
shoutBack on 8/10/08 by sasquatchsports
me likes the only issue I have with the design is the question mark,just doesnt do it for me and takes a little away from the whole image. on the whole,awesome work
shoutBack on 29/9/08 by blue
No particular reason. I started using it as an alias years ago and its stuck since then. :P
shoutBack on 27/9/08 by snargo
WHAOOOOO!!! GIMMEGIMMEGIMME - this is an AMAZING design snargo! Hey btw - why snargo?
shoutBack on 26/9/08 by AndyTee
Thanks. Glad you all like it. :)
shoutBack on 23/9/08 by snargo
I was pretty amused by this one!
shoutBack on 18/9/08 by Lokololly
dude i was like Whaaaaaaaaaaat
shoutBack on 13/9/08 by steinei