danae.botha is from
Notice (8): Undefined index: [APP/views/profile/profile.ctp, line 31]and is 0 seconds youngCode | Context<div class="myPublicProfileDetailsRightCol">
<strong style="color:purple"><?php echo $user['User']['username']; ?></strong> is from <?php echo $countries[$userProfile['UserProfile']['country']];?> <img src="/img/profile/flags/<?php echo strtolower($userProfile['UserProfile']['country']); ?>.png" alt="<?php echo $userProfile['UserProfile']['country']; ?>">
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=> "Finland", "FR" => "France", "FG" => "French Guiana", "PF" => "French Polynesia", "GA" => "Gabon", "GM" => "Gambia", "GE" => "Georgia", "DE" => "Germany", "GH" => "Ghana", "GI" => "Gibraltar", "GR" => "Greece", "GL" => "Greenland", "GD" => "Grenada", "GP" => "Guadeloupe", "GT" => "Guatemala", "GN" => "Guinea", "GW" => "Guinea-Bissau", "GY" => "Guyana", "HT" => "Haiti", "HN" => "Honduras", "HK" => "Hong Kong", "HU" => "Hungary", "IS" => "Iceland", "IN" => "India", "ID" => "Indonesia", "IR" => "Iran", "IQ" => "Iraq", "IE" => "Ireland", "IL" => "Israel", "IT" => "Italy", "JM" => "Jamaica", "JP" => "Japan", "JO" => "Jordan", "KZ" => "Kazakhstan", "KE" => "Kenya", "KI" => "Kiribati", "KP" => "Korea (North)", "KR" => "Korea (South)", "KW" => "Kuwait", "KG" => "Kyrgyzstan", "LA" => "Laos", "LB" => "Lebanon", "LS" => "Lesotho", "LR" => "Liberia", "LY" => "Libya", "LI" => "Liechtenstein", "LT" => "Lithuania", "LU" => "Luxembourg", "MO" => "Macau", "MK" => "Macedonia", "MG" => "Madagascar", 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"Cape Verde", "KY" => "Cayman Islands", "CF" => "Central African Republic", "TD" => "Chad", "CL" => "Chile", "CN" => "China", "CO" => "Colombia", "KM" => "Comoros", "CG" => "Congo (Zaire)", "CR" => "Costa Rica", "CI" => "Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)", "HR" => "Croatia (Hrvatska)", "CU" => "Cuba", "CY" => "Cyprus", "CZ" => "Czech Republic", "DK" => "Denmark", "DJ" => "Djibouti", "DM" => "Dominica", "DO" => "Dominican Republic", "EC" => "Ecuador", "EG" => "Egypt", "SV" => "El Salvador", "GQ" => "Equatorial Guinea", "ER" => "Eritrea", "EE" => "Estonia", "ET" => "Ethiopia", "FK" => "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)", "FO" => "Faroe Islands", "FJ" => "Fiji", "FI" => "Finland", "FR" => "France", "FG" => "French Guiana", "PF" => "French Polynesia", "GA" => "Gabon", "GM" => "Gambia", "GE" => "Georgia", "DE" => "Germany", "GH" => "Ghana", "GI" => "Gibraltar", "GR" => "Greece", "GL" => "Greenland", "GD" => "Grenada", "GP" => "Guadeloupe", "GT" => "Guatemala", "GN" => "Guinea", "GW" => "Guinea-Bissau", 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travis.lyle1 |
Hey Danae - just wanted to say MASSIVE CONGRATS on winning the Castle Lite challenge - your work rocks!
shoutOut on 30/7/13