
dilematiccoma is from Indonesia ID and is 1,139,684,436 seconds young



shoutOut last shoutBack shoutBacks
 posterity shoutOut on 12/8/11 by dilematiccoma in on 23/8/11 by DuncanBoxie 7
 the portal shoutOut on 12/8/11 by dilematiccoma in on 19/8/11 by monochromefrog 4
 bird news shoutOut on 30/6/11 by dilematiccoma in on 18/8/11 by CathRon 3
 I have been kidnapped by aliens shoutOut on 30/6/11 by dilematiccoma in on 18/8/11 by SmithMachine 5
 saturnine shoutOut on 12/5/11 by dilematiccoma in on 18/8/11 by EBTSN 28
 autumn shoutOut on 14/4/11 by dilematiccoma in on 18/8/11 by kharmazero 10
 fortune fish shoutOut on 15/4/11 by dilematiccoma in on 18/8/11 by kharmazero 11


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