
sayahelmi is from Indonesia ID and is 900,852,698 seconds young

sayahelmi also can be seen at


shoutOut last shoutBack shoutBacks
 fire lion shoutOut on 30/6/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by DuncanBoxie 1
 fire lion shoutOut on 30/6/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by zetyahardez 23
 hot like fire shoutOut on 2/6/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by sayahelmi 10
 Snake Princess shoutOut on 28/4/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by DaRKo 4
 grandpa yeti and a butterfly shoutOut on 18/3/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by acme 9
 three eyes little skull and his pets shoutOut on 18/3/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by CathRon 6
 i've got the power shoutOut on 7/3/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by sayahelmi 10
 born of the devil shoutOut on 14/2/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by EranEyal 3
 will slash for carrots!! shoutOut on 11/2/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by sayahelmi 4
 Love Me Or Die!!! shoutOut on 9/1/11 by sayahelmi in talkT on 18/8/11 by Clicko 3