Eric and I FINALLY had a chance to chill on Camps Bay yesterday and strategise - He wore his Afrolution t-shirt, designed by Souf - definitely on the the solid favorites we have produced thus far. Camps Bay was a SCORTCHER - I an surprised that Eric didn't tear that t-s-shirt off and run screaming into the Cape Town ocean!!!!

this design just WORKS! def one of my fav tshirts at the moment
Flippin cool tee there Eric. Goes with the summer weather.
This photo was taken Using a Sony Ericsson X1 Xperia
Oh, yeah! A cool classic thing went down - one of Eric's pals was wandering past us, sitting at Vida Camps Bay, and recognized the Afrolution t-shirt - he even knew the name of the artist and the name of the t-shirt. COOL!!!!