Lexus 'CT 200h' COMPETITION EXTENSIONshoutOut on 1/8/11 by DuncanBoxie in wordUp |
Hi there designers , Here is some very good news for all you who were interested in submitting to Lexus, but didn’t have enough time. The Lexus ‘CT 200h’ competition has been EXTENDED!!! Lexus have decided that they will give designers an extra week to get their awesome designs through for this amazing competition. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 08 AUGUST, 2011 Winner will be announced on Monday, 22 August 2011. With US$1250 on the line, you have every reason to make the most of it and get involved. To download the Lexus DESIGN PACK, head across to the Lexus South Africa Facebook page OR to the original posting on this website. You are allowed to submit up to 5 designs . So, if you have already submitted, but would like to send through more, please feel free to do so! Keep the amazing designs coming. Good luck! |
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