Spotlight On: Himanshu SharmashoutOut on 18/10/12 by travis.lyle1 in peeps |
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You put your head down on Monday, bang away at that keyboard, next thing you know, you look up and see a post by Springleap about a designer named Himanshu Sharma and suddenly realise: holy crap, it’s Thursday already! And if it’s Thursday, well hell, it must be time to put the Spotlight On and interview another great illustrator or designer!
So, in a nutshell, here’s what we know about the guy who goes by the name of Hemu: he lives in Boston, Massachusetts, the land of learning, Red Sox and that notorious tea party. Originally from the Motor City (Detroit), his style is nothing less than a breath of fresh air in a world where flash styles of graphic design rule the day. Simple, lively and bold, his are designs that bring to life the type of design you might usually associate with the 1960’s and 70’s. And you’ve probably seen his work online in the form of Johnny Cupcakes packaging or possibly for Hot Wheels. Using flat colour to great effect, cheerful and absolutely inspiring - that, ladies and gents of the design-loving world, is the work of Himanshu Sharma!
SL: Did you study to become an artist/illustrator/designer? HS: I graduated from the College of Creative Studies with a Bachelors of Fine Arts degree. My major was illustration but I took a lot of graphic design and animations classes. Before that, I had been drawing for as far back as I can remember. SL: What’s your preferred medium, and why? HS: I always start off with pencil and paper. Other than that, I really don't have a preferred medium. I am open to a lot of styles and like to be very open minded about what kind of medium would fit the project. The idea is what really should hero the design.
SL: What other designers or illustrators are influences on your work? HS: My biggest influence on my work has to be 90's American kids television shows. I came to the US from India when I was ten and the only way I learned the culture was by watching shows like Sesame Street, Lamb Chop's Play Along, Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, and Batman the Animated Series. I soaked them all in and now regurgitate it all out through my work.
SL: Name two of your favourite artworks of all time. HS: It's hard to pick two of all time but I do really love the book Quimby the Mouse by Chris Ware. IT'S AMAZING! The story is kinda sad but the perfect marriage of design and illustration just melts my face. The book has a lot of amazing details that even after reading it for the billionth time, you find something new and it makes your day. I also love any of the sketches that Bruce Timm did for Batman the Animated Series. His line weights and character flows are out of this world. His work really inspired me to loosen up my sketch hand.
SL: What music are you listening to at the moment? HS: I have not been listening to any music lately, its sad... When I work I do listen to a lot of books on tape about aliens and their hand in creating us as humans. My favorite so far has been Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken. Look it up - BLOW YOUR MIND!!! Well, there you have it folks - a glimpse into the mind of the very talented Himanshu Sharma - thanks to the man for his time and great responses!
Enjoy the interview? Check out Springleap's other interviews in the Spotlight On series here. |

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