Hi Impish, Good questions! Check the resolution on your original design for the Thumbnail. E-mail me at chloe@springleap.com with the thumbnail image and I will see if I can spot the distortion problem.
shoutBack on 12/1/11 by cloMO
@Impish for all design related queries please email chloe[at]springleap[dot]com and she will gladly assist you. She will also post an answer on this thread for everyone to view :)
shoutBack on 9/1/11 by amyabrahams
shoutBack on 2/1/11 by Impish
Glad to hear it Kayo!
shoutBack on 16/9/10 by DuncanBoxie
This advice is the best thing you guys have given to us ,i really hope i can use it to fulfill my dreams.
shoutBack on 16/9/10 by Kayo