What is PRE-BUY?shoutOut on 30/11/08 by EranEyal in |
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When you see the “PRE-BUY” button on a t-shirt design page, it means that the t-shirt is not in our stockroom yet and we are still busy making it. Many times we sell out BEFORE the t-shirt actually reaches the stockroom. Check below for an update of how quickly we will be able to get the t-shirt over to you. So don’t dilly-daddle - PRE-BUY your favorite Springleap t-shirts now to avoid disappointment, and we will get them to you as quickly as we can. |

Yay that means kittypong’s ready right..?
shoutBack on 4/2/09 by saz1
heya crazytime, printing is FORGING AHEAD! all the July ones are printed except 5 which the printers are having trouble with. most of August and September is printed already - a few problematic prints are hopefully going to be sorted soon. October is busy being printed as we speak. And we’re already printing the January ones so that we don’t fall behind on them. In the next week we’ll start printing November and in 2 or 3 weeks time December and then we’ll be TOTALLY caught up. Thanks to everyone once again for having the patience while we get the printing right.
shoutBack on 4/2/09 by Eric
shoutBack on 4/2/09 by crazytime
Update on Tshirt printing. July - nearly all the July tshirts are ALREADY in our stockroom, and all pre-buys will be sent out monday and tuesday. August - eSimpowenis have already been printed, is in our stock room, and pre-buys are being sent out monday. Other August tshirts are expected in our office by the end of this week. September - we have got nearly all the blanks ready today, so that as soon as the August printing is done, the September printing can start. By the time the printers close in a weeks time we’ll have ALL July AND August designs in our stockroom, and by the end of January we’ll have caught up ALL Designs (September, October, November & December). So everything is BACK on TRACK. And rocketurtle and eSimpowenis will be on their way to you TOMORROW if you pre-bought.
shoutBack on 14/12/08 by Eric
Glad to hear it ;) Keep that quality rocking
shoutBack on 14/12/08 by mikdog
News Flash: Rocketurtle (the July winner) AND eSimpowenis’s (the August winner) arrived in our stock room yesterday and today! And so did quite a few of the other July Winning Tshirt designs. So if you have already ordered Rocketurtle or eSimpowenis or the other July designs that have arrived, we’ll be sending them out monday. Printing is now taking place at FULL SPEED! We’re VERY excited that the printing is back on track…
shoutBack on 14/12/08 by Eric
This is GREAT NEWS. Rocketurtle and eSimpowenis (the winners of July and August) have BOTH been printed, and are getting the inner necks done. They’ll be in our stock room in the next few days, so you’ll have them BEFORE Christmas (if you are in SA). Most of the other July winners have already been printed and are having the inner necks done. And work has started on the August winners. So printing is moving at a RAPID rate now.
shoutBack on 10/12/08 by Eric
UPDATE: 6 of the July Tshirts have been printed, and are just getting the inner neck transfers done. They’ll be in our stock room by Tuesday. The ones which have already been printed are: Miss-tique The rest are now coming off the production line rapidly, so hopefully tomorrow i’ll have more good news. And SilverSabre, for people who were waiting a long time for their pre-buys we sent out bonus tshirts to apologise for the wait.
shoutBack on 4/12/08 by Eric
umm, I don’t want to cash in where I don’t qualify… But what bonus tee shirts are you talking about?
shoutBack on 2/12/08 by SilverSabre
GREAT NEWS everyone who has been waiting for July designs onwards. The printing is now firing on ALL cylinders and the first July prints are out and are looking great. In the next day or 2, once the printer gives them to us, they’ll be on their way to get the neck “size” transfers, and then they’re READY….
shoutBack on 2/12/08 by Eric