Trend Spotting Reports
Discover emerging trends in any market or category
through the best local advertising agency experts.
Springleap Trend Spotting reports deliver your brand on-the-ground insights into trends in local or emerging markets.
Sourced from top advertising agency experts - available in both syndicated and custom versions for any market, category or territory.
Why Springleap’s
Expert Panel?
Springleap provides you access to the best agency minds in the location you’re launching in, who have experience of working on hundreds of campaigns. You get sophisticated feedback with turn-around times that are game-changing. Going beyond consumer sentiment-based feedback, they bring to bear a knowledge of the latest trends, rising and falling to keep your marketing and brand strategy relevant.
Best of all… we pack in the actionable insights that you need
to achieve higher ROIs on creative and marketing before you spend your ad money.
What can Trend Spotting Reports do for your brand?
Trend spotting delivered whilst the data is still relevant
Trend spotting reports sourced from advertising agency
experts, ranging from creative directors, creatives to brand
strategists with the best and most current data
Actionable insights in your category to drive powerful content
Covering a range of topics, including:
Brand activities, media influences, local imagery, events and the ad industry.
You get an understanding of brand and advertising trends and
ideas on which events to market. Stay current nationally and regionally
It’s managed. Relax, sit back and let us handle the tough stuff.
Our clients

Trends Platform
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Custom Reports
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