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About: a pet lovers :)
Interview with Dewedhe with dewedhe by DuncanBoxie
This designer exploded onto the scene and unleashed a tidal wave of talent.
Can anybody stop this designers unique style and delivery?
1. Tell us more about yourself and your family, have you always lived in the same place or moved around a lot?
I am a student at one of the universities in the city of Yogyakarta. I enrolled at the faculty of communication, education and cultural. Yogyakarta city is the fourth city I have ever lived in, I moved to the city for a higher level of education. Now I live with my mother who is retired from her work.
2. Your winning design looks like it took quite some time to put together. How long did it take you and what would you say was the most challenging aspect to get right?
I worked on this design for six hours, from sketch to completion. All of it I make with Photoshop and Pen Tablet, using Adobe Illustrator for finishing. The element I remember spending lots of time to create was the texture for the Skunks fur, the shading should continue to keep the shape unchanged.
3. How would you define your style? Would you consider Stink no More! your normal style, or an experiment?
I call my style ani-toon = animal cartoon, because I really like cute pets like dogs, cats,reptiles and more. I make designs according to my mood, which often become more experimental, but which are never far from the animal world.
4. If you could collaborate with any other Springleap designer, who would it be?
I would be very pleased to be collaborating with Qimstudio, Qimstudio’s line-art is very awesome!
5. What inspires you to make such amazing designs?
Dreams, nature and everything around us:)

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