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About: Happy to discover this artistic community.Hope you enjoy with the design I'll propose here.Hasta Pronto ;)
Kakolak rocks with Kakolak by DuncanBoxie
Kakolak is a Springleap veteran that never ceases to impress the community. Combining imagination and unique delivery is what this top-notch designer does best.
1. Tell us more about yourself and your family, have you always lived in the same place or moved around a lot?
Well, I work as an Art Director in agency since 8 years. I have two children to educate with my beautifull wife. I spend so much time drawing things and trying to find a great new ideas for tee comps. I feed myself with all the things my eye can catch everyday. I moved a lot between Bask Country and Breizh Country, which are two distant part of my current life. But I love it! I’m free to take the best from each part.
2. Your winning design has great composition and colour, but would you change anything if you had the chance?
Humm…, dunno, I have tried another colour combo when I submitted it in other contests, but I think this one is the best one I find.
3. Behind the Three Birds is a very natural design, what inspired you to create it?
I was wanting to create an image in an image. I started from the Mother Earth Face sketch, and then I added things to scramble it. And then the story of the Three Birds came out from it. that’s it ! :)
4. On average how long do your designs take to complete, what stage takes the longest?
Pfffff, really dunno, because all are unique and exist with a singular time. Sometimes, I make one, and I’ve worked again on it after many months, because my vision have changed, and I found things that can be changed, or something that doesn’t work very well. Each stage is different, and sometimes it takes more time, and some times takes less time. It depends on the design.
5. What is the best story you can remember from your career in design?
A masterclass I made with two professors of drawing, when I found a interesting way to mix Home space - Transit space - Work space. I had really enjoy to find a way to express each 3 stage with an associated drawing technique. I was so excited. It’s an intense moment that creation and inspiration give you.

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