I’m 691039563 seconds young
About: just a normal boy who is going to be a pilot soon..still in training in flying school.
Qimstudio Interview with Qimstudio by DuncanBoxie
Qim is a designer that has been blowing us away with his amazing designs for ages now.
Lets find out more about this jaw-droppingly good Malaysian designer!
1. So tell me about where you grew up, have you lived there all your life or have you bounced around a lot?
I was born on eastern Malaysia peninsular of Kelantan, but grew up in a city called Kuantan 300km away.I moved around a lot because of my studies. When I received a scholarship to a good school, I went and stayed there for few years. At the moment I’m staying on Langkawi Island,Malaysia. I will been staying here for another 16 months before graduating.
2. When you were a child what did you want to grow up to be and what would you say is your dream job now?
I spend most of my childhood around crayons, turning my imagination into something to look at on paper, coz I always love to draw. I wanted to be an architect, but now I am on a flying course on the road to becoming an airline pilot, soon. =)
3. Have you got a big family, how many?
Yes. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I’m the eldest one.
4. What is without doubt the best experience of your life?
Haha. This is fun. For me the best experiences are always about designing. The process of making an artwork.
5. If you could have any super power what would it be?
Psychic. So that I can make people who piss me off just vanish huahahahahah.
6. What is it like being an aspiring designer in Malaysia?
Feeling lucky to be one, but still a long way to go! =)
7. If you could collaborate with any designer who would it be?
Wow, I would love to collaborate with anyone who is willing to. No specific designer coz in my point of view, every designer has their own creativity and skills. So,everyone has their strength!
8. Where do you get inspiration from?
Most comes from my daily life and how I see things from different perspectives. I don’t see a pencil simply as a pencil, instead I let my imagination go with my eyes….flying pencil,singing pencil or just anything I could think of that moment. And I always keep this to myself “logical thinking can always bring you from A to B but imagination can bring you anywhere in the universe”-Einstein
9. What music are you listening to at the moment? A lot but I don’t just stick to one particular band or singer. I will listen to any song that fits my mood at that time. Most of them are Japanese, Chinese and English songs.
10. Tell us something about yourself that very few people know?
I didn’t always design, but designing comes when ideas come. =)

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